Wednesday, April 24, 2024

My Technology - The Final Post

    Technology can be very helpful in today's world. But it can also be harmful. Therefore, I have a large series of questions about my technology that I am going to be asking myself. I need to analyze myself, and figure this out.  

Do I believe my relationship with technology is healthy?

    Short answer: no, not a chance. Long answer? No, with reasoning. So lets discuss that. I believe I am on my phone way to often. In the mornings before class, I do the New York Times wordle, connections, and Mini crossword to freshen up my mind. I find it nice to do some brain games, but it does add to screen time. I also have a habit of playing Pokemon Go all day, and I can say for certain that this is not healthy for me. It is an addiction. When I am back in my dorm, I like to sometimes play video games, or watch television.

 I say I do it to relax, but how helpful is it really? Reading a book might be better. I try to stay off snapchat throughout the day, as I prefer to text, but I do go on Instagram or Reddit periodically throughout the day, and look at memes, reels, or just stuff that spikes my interest. But overall, I spend a lot of my free time on my phone, and so my screen time is waaayyyy up there. And this leads into the next question...

Do you think that you are giving technology the appropriate amount of time in your life, or do you think that technology is taking up too much time in your life?

    Chances are I give technology way too much of my free time. In fact, I know I do. So lets take a look at my screen time for the past week: An average of 5.5 hours per day. Thats nice.  
    According to Ried Health, "experts say adults should limit screen time outside of work to less than two hours per day." And I am almost tripling that. Yikes. Maybe I should set limits on apps. Because... last week I spent 12 hours on Pokemon Go, 4 and a half hours on Instagram, 3 and a half hours on Reddit, 3 hours on Fizz, and an hour and a half on Twitter/X. Counting the 2 and a half hours on Messages, that is a whopping 13 hours on Social activity apps, and 12 hours on games. My screen time is way too high, and that needs to change. 

Do you think technology is informing you and making you smarter, or do you think that technology might be misleading you and giving you unreliable information?

    A bit of both. I do believe that technology can inform me of important things. But also it can fill my mind with junk. I like to call it "doom scrolling", because in reality, thats what I can be doing. Am doing. Do. But that doesn't mean that technology does not inform you. It gives you near instant access to thousands of news sources and puzzles, as well as other things to train your brain. Technology can make you both smarter, but it can entrap you with "doomscrolling". Just be careful. 

Do you ever worry about these things, or do you think it's just an accepted part of the society we live in?

    In all honesty, technology is just a part of our everyday life at this point. It has its upsides, it has its downsides. As long as the individual can be careful about how long they are spending on their phones, or other technology, they should be alright. Don't get sucked in every too often, and view verified information. Technology is very helpful, and will be continuously evolving in our lives. 

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My Technology - The Final Post

     Technology can be very helpful in today's world. But it can also be harmful. Therefore, I have a large series of questions about my...