Monday, April 15, 2024


    In the AGE of AI, what is going on? Can machines overtake human intelligence? What about Human jobs? Honestly in the long term, I am gonna say yes. Now an AI or computer that can teach itself? That might escalate things. Especially if it can write its own code. To me, a machine or AI that can teach itself, and predict outcomes, is actually terrifying. 


We are in the early decades, of what is a multi-decade adjustment period. But the future is still now. But there is a big downside to this. According to the video I watched, there was a survey conducted that revealed that half of all Americans can not afford a sudden $400 expense. So what would they do, if they were laid off in exchange for a machine that can do their job flawlessly? In all honesty, I do not have an answer for this. And it scares me. 
    As a college student, I need a job. Just something to help me pay these massive bills. But what if everything is automated? Will I even be needed? Where could I work? If you go to a restaurant, and order food by clicking a button, and it is automatically brought to you, how would that make you feel? Sure, you might feel nice that you would not need to tip. But what happened to the wage slave who depended on you to help pay his grocery bill? His college fund? What would happen to society if we move into a fully automated system? The group at the top who designs and runs all the automations will have jobs. High paying ones at that. They will be making all the money in our world. But the middle and lower class who can't find jobs because it has all been replaced? They can't do anything. 

How private are we then? We are monitored. What does AI know on us? 

    I have had a post on how private my information actually is. Check that out here. Google and other big tech companies have so much information on us. But what about when AI is inserted into that? How fast can they go through every possible source with your name attached to it? Every photo, post, tweet, even your search history. Within seconds, it could provide a file with everything there is to know on you, just based on what it found online. And if it is affiliated with the company that owns your data, they might be able to access even more. No matter what we do, we leave behind digital traces of our behavior. To describe this in simple terms, Google searches us, not vice versa. We are FUCKED. We are not private, no matter how hard we try. I recon it could even guess what we are thinking about. 

Lets just hope we don't get SkyNet online. At least...not in my lifetime. 

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