Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Something I Learned During an EOTO Presentation

 So, I am sitting here in class. Waiting to present my short topic on USB Flash Drives. And I am watching other groups present. So, what is a topic I learned about? Besides the fact that there is a kid named Brad who is a zoomer, has photos of his dad, and doesn't like newspapers. He also can't read German. I mean neither can I so...OMG WHY IS HE SHOWING ME A PICTURE OF BATMAN WITHOUT EARS! HOW IS THAT RELATED? Ok, lets get back on topic


    So Elliot is teaching us about the telegraph. He started off by showing us an absolute brick of a smartphone, made by the Energizer Battery topic. He wants to show us how we got here. So we went all the way back to the 1800's, where we learned about the creation of Morse Code. (It was created by Samuel F.B. Morse). So apparently, the telegraph was just an incredibly, INCREDIBLY long wire, that spread between two telegraphs. Samuel Morse had gotten Congress' help to get this built. He eventually sent the first message, via morse code on a telegraph: "what hath God wrought". 
    Eventually, Elliot moved on to teaching us about the Wireless Telegraph. Which apparently, requiers teh Electromagnetic Spectrum. It was theorized to exist by James Maxwell, and later discovered by Heinrich Hertz when he sent sparks from one side of the room to another. But way later, Guglielmo Marconi created the wireless telegraph, and filed a patent for the device. It still required morse code to communicate, as the human voice was not able to be registered on the Electromagnetic Spectrum. But for now, there was a wireless way of communicating long distances! Pretty impressive. 

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