Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Where I Get my News and Other Information

    For starters, I don't know if I would say this is the best way to get information on the news. It is rather strange. But for me, it works. I don't get overwhelmed with media and information,  but I will be aware of what is going on...if I am paying attention. 

#1 - TruthSocial

My first source of information is... TruthSocial! This app was launched in February of 2022, by the Trump Media and Technology group, in order to create a platform without political censorship. This was in regards to Twitter repeatedly censoring conservative accounts, which later led to Elon Musk purchasing the company. Now, I don't actually browse TruthSocial. In fact, I don't remember the last time I even opened the app! But I have it set to send me notifications about major headlines in political news and other important events, so if I am paying attention, I can be alerted to the news of what is happening in the US. You can find them here:

#2 - The DailyWire

This is what now leads me into my second source of information. TheDailyWire! I tend to use their mobile app, although I do believe their website can be easier to navigate. Now I will open DailyWire more than TruthSocial. In fact, my father has a subscription to their premium service, which I tend to leech off of. They have podcasts, news articles, and even documentaries and movies they have produced! Just like TruthSocial, I tend to use their notifications and alert headlines as my primary news source, and that will depend on whether or not I open the app. Most of the time, these headlines might be similar to what I view on TruthSocial, but if I am going to read about it in depth, DailyWire is where I will be heading. You can find them here:

#3 - Twitter/X

I also get information from accounts and headlines that may now appear on Twitter, which is now referred to as X. I do need to be aware as to what I am looking at, and who it is coming from, as this site contains a large amount of bias. Luckily, they now have a community based fact-checking program, which can confirm or deny, or even just provide more information to posts. I do not believe this is a reliable source of news, but every once in a while, while I am  scrolling, I can find some news mixed in with my entertainment. Here you can find Twitter/X:

#4 - Newsmax

Now for an actually reliable source of news, I go to Newsmax. As this is a real legitimate news source, and not a social media (The DailyWire does not count), the information here is professionally written, as well as airing on television. Newsmax contains all sorts of news occurring in the US, from breaking news, political news, opinion news, and occasionally even global news. Newsmax has been gaining popularity, and I would definitely recommend it as a reliable news source. Check them out here!

#5 - FoxNews

The last source of news I like to rely on, is FoxNews. According to, FoxNews is the number one news information channel in the nation. Check for yourself. FoxNews contains breaking news updates in both the United States, and the world. It covers political topics, and it has its opinion articles. It covers entertainment, media, and sports topics! The Fox News Network even branches off into smaller, local news channels! FoxNews covers a wide variety of information, but I just need to make sure to not let the bias get to me, as they do have a habit of being more conservative, which has the possibility of only seeing half of the story, depending on the topic. You can find them here:

So, this is the list of where I like to get my information. As I mentioned above, some of these are strange ways of gaining information on the news. But it works for me, and I like it. I would also like to mention that I do get a lot of my information from family, friends, classmates, and even my teachers like Dr. Dean Smith. (He informs us of a lot of good news information). Overall, the news is the news, and I cannot let it overwhelm me. 

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